28 March 2023

How To Choose The Right Rendering Company

Rendering a property can be a great way to add a layer of external wall insulation, improve the appearance of the property, provide a level of protection against adverse weather conditions, and create an overall completely new look. Once you've decided to render your house, though, there are a few decisions that need to be made. You'll need to decide which of the types of render you want to use as well as whether to do the rendering yourself or hire a company. If you opt to hire a company, you then need to know how to choose the right render company.

Step One: Decide Which Type Of Render You Need

The type of render that you should use will largely depend on your budget, but you should also take into consideration things like where your house is positioned. The traditional house rendering products are:

  • cement render
  • acrylic renders
  • silicone render
  • lime render
  • monocouche render
  • polymer render

Each of the types of render has its own pros and cons, and each suits different types of property.

Cement Render

Cement render is one of if not the cheapest render in terms of materials. It does, however, cost a fair amount when it comes to labour, as the application process for standard cement renders is quite a labour intensive one. It involves a cement mix that is made on site and then applied in several coats.

As a render, cement render is pretty mediocre. It is not very crack resistant in the slightest, really, and can crack if the structure moves at all. Older properties tend to move quite a lot, for example, and will often cause cement render to crack. This will then allow things like rainwater penetration which can cause issues within the property like penetrative damp. It is not advised for older properties or those in particularly wet environments.

Typically, sand and cement will cost around £25 to £45 per square meter.

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cement render

Polymer Render

Polymer is one of the more modern renders. It is usually sold and applied in a pre-mixed state and comes in a range of colours. It's highly waterproof, so works well for properties in wetter climates. It's also really well-suited to the exterior walls of rooms like bathrooms and laundry rooms. Polymer is considered to be a better rendering material than cement and is easier to apply.

Polymer will usually cost around £10.80 per square meter of wall.

polymer render

Acrylic Renders

Acrylic render is usually used with a base coat. It is applied as a thin finish coat to seal and improve the properties and appearance of the base coat. Acrylic renders are through coloured, too, meaning that they don't need to be painted.

They are, however, the more expensive option than something like cement. But, they are typically lower maintenance and they are well-suited to a wider range of properties. It is also worth the money in terms of durability, as acrylic renders can last longer than other renders.

On average, acrylic render will cost between £20 and £45 per square meter.

acrylic renders

Silicone Render

Silicone render is very similar to acrylic and it is one of the most popular render materials out there. It boasts all of the ordinary traditional style properties that other house rendering materials provide, but it is also self-cleaning and incredibly water resistant.

Silicone render is also much more flexible than acrylic renders and silicone renders are usually through coloured too, meaning that silicone renders move with the building and will not need painting.

Silicone rendering can cost as much as £45 to £65 per square meter, so it really is the most expensive option.

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silicone render

Monocouche Render

Monocouche rendering is quite popular, especially in Europe. It is relatively easy to apply. Monocouche render can be applied simply with just a hand trowel or a spray, and it only requires one coat. It is unlikely to need repainting, too, making it better than cement.

Monocouche render is much more flexible than some of the older house rendering materials, and it has the power to completely transform a property without needing to cost as much as silicone render does.

On average, monocouche rendering costs between £55 to £75 per square meter.

Lime Render

Lime render is one of the more traditional house rendering products. It is really breathable like silicone, making it well-suited to houses that might struggle with damp. It is not as weather resistant as other house rendering materials, but will do pretty well. It boasts an attractive appearance, especially when paired with lime wash or lime plaster and suits period homes very well. The lime wash will require regular coating, though, which can be an added cost.

Lime render is typically a little more pricey than cement render, but it is much better at tackling damp and whilst it isn't super flexible, it is more flexible than cement.

On average, lime render will cost around £48 per square meter.

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lime render

Step Two: Which Company Should You Hire To Do Your House Rendering?

Now that you've got enough information to choose the right render, you need to choose which of the local companies you should use to do your rendering.

When making this decision, you need to take a look at as many rendering companies that offer the desired rendering material as possible. When looking at them, you should consider the following:

  • the cost of their services
  • their reviews and customer satisfaction rates
  • their availability
  • what brands of render they use

If the companies advertise that they use a certain brand of render, it is worth looking into the brand. Some brands are used a lot, like K rend, so you know you can trust them!

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