
Beefeater Autumn Menu

Despite my best efforts, my children like nothing better than chips. Chips are just about the only thing they eat without a fuss. So when we were invited to try Beefeater’s new Autumn menu which claims to be the meatiest yet, but also offers unlimited chips, how could we resist?

On arrival at our local restaurant, we were greeted by a super friendly waitress who showed us to our table and went through the menus with us. The girls were given the activity pack to keep them occupied while we waited for our food.

Bunny chose Mr Perfect’s Popin’ Chicken (chicken nuggets), swapping the baked beans for corn on the cob – her favourite thing ever! Bear chose Mr Small’s Little Cod Bites, as she wanted fish and chips.


Having lived with a near vegetarian for almost a decade, one of the things I celebrate about single life is being able to gorge on meat again, so I chose the steak with triple cooked chips. I thought I’d asked for the sirloin, but instead got a perfectly cooked rump. It was juicy and tender, but very, very filling. There was no need for the unlimited chips after all!


Of course, being on a treat night, we had to try the dessert options. The girls loved the idea of the Mr Funny Face ice cream which came with mini chocolate beans, sugar teeth and strawberry laces and encouraged them to play with their food by creating faces.


I opted for a traditional lemon meringue pie which I’d not had in a long time. If I hadn’t been so full, I would have chosen the new Vanilla Baked Cheesecake with Raspberry Compote or Chocolate Melt in the Middle Pudding.

For a fun, family meal out, it’s hard to beat the super kid friendly Beefeater. The girls were looked after by the waitresses, and even Bunny commented on how lovely they were. As we left, the girls were given balloons to take away which absolutely made their night! Kids even eat free at breakfast with paying adults!

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